Once upon a time, in a quaint and cosy cottage nestled amongst a garden full of blossoms, lived a clever Cat with a coat as soft as silk and eyes as beautiful as sapphire. This Cat was no ordinary feline; she was a creature of cunning and charm, known far and wide for her persuasive powers and regal demeanour. And she had a particular fondness for poultry delights.
One fine afternoon, Cat decided it was the perfect time to test her skills. The sun shone, the flowers were in full bloom, and most importantly, a delicious aroma wafted from the kitchen window. Cat's nose twitched, her whiskers quivered, and her tummy rumbled with anticipation.
"Today," said Cat to herself, "I shall secure a taste of that delectable chicken."
Cat bounded into the garden with a graceful leap, where The Roaster of Feasts tended to her flowers. Cat weaved in and out of the flower beds, her soft fur brushing against the petals, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She carefully selected a bouquet of the loveliest flowers, the daisies, the lilies, and the roses and carried them back home.
Entering the kitchen with a flourish, Cat presented the bouquet to The Director of Dinner, dropping the flowers at her feet and gazing up at her with her most charming expression.
"Why, Cat, what a delightful surprise!" exclaimed the Chef of the Roast, scooping Cat up in her arms and stroking her head. "These flowers are beautiful. Thank you, my dear."
Cat purred deeply, enjoying the attention. "Ah, my dearest," she began in her most melodious purr, "I live to please. However, such noble acts of flower-picking have left me rather peckish."
The Scratcher of Ears chuckled, her heart warmed by the antics. "Oh, Cat, always thinking of your next meal. But you've already had your lunch."
Cat, ever the dramatist, rolled onto her back, displaying her fluffy belly and looking up at her with pleading eyes. "Ah, but that was many hours ago. A mere morsel of that roasted chicken would be most rejuvenating, wouldn't you agree?"
The Bestower of Treats couldn't help but laugh at her theatrics. "You are quite the charmer, Cat. Very well, but only a small piece."
Triumphant, Cat leapt to her feet, her eyes sparkling with joy. "You are most generous, dear one. Truly, your kindness is unmatched." she purred.
The Roaster of Feasts put a small piece of the succulent meat on a plate. Cat nibbled delicately, savouring each bite like the finest banquet. "Ah, exquisite! You have outdone yourself."
As she finished, Cat licked her lips and washed her face, her purrs filling the room with a sound of contentment. "You know," she murmured, "moments like these make life truly splendid."
The Director of Dinner smiled, her heart full. "And your delightful presence makes my days so special, Cat."
And so, in the charming little cottage surrounded by their beautiful garden, Cat and her human shared a bond of love and joy, sealed with a piece of chicken delight and a grand bouquet of beautiful flowers. With her purr and charm, Cat always found a way to her beloved culinary delights, but more importantly, she cherished the companionship she shared with the Chef. And they lived happily ever after, in the sunshine and the flowers, their hearts as warm as the summer day.
Now, dear reader, let this tale be a lesson: If ever you encounter a cat and she presents you with a bouquet, be wary! Behind those charming eyes and purrs lies a mind plotting her next delicious feast. And that is the story of how Cat got her poultry delights.
Write a comment
Val (Friday, 20 September 2024 11:46)
Your stories are so perfect I am 86live in a very old cottage in Cornwall .your tales give me magic moments every day I send you my love and thanks val
Trisha Myers (Tuesday, 24 September 2024 18:36)
Thank you so very much for this delightful and heart-warming story! I loved every word. I live on the outskirts of the Tallgrass Prairie in northeastern Oklahoma, USA. Having lived in a number of countries as a young person, and by birth half-American/half-Estonian, I continue to search for one place in this world to call Home. While I am very grateful to be here at this time in my life-- the Buffalo roam 20 minutes away, and the Deer are in the scrub-brush woods nearby-- Your description of the cottage and its garden transports me to a quiet cozy place where Blessings of Love and Good Food abound for human and cat alike. Thank you for this healing story!! Trisha
Donna Muse (Wednesday, 23 October 2024 06:28)
What a sweet story. As I read it I could see our crazy, but adorable cat. He loves to eat and I could just hear him hoping for a piece of chicken. And, purr oh my goodness!! Thank you for your gentle stories, what a sense of peace they bring to all who read them
Janice DeFonda (Monday, 04 November 2024 06:37)
I absolutely loved this story and the picture ... which is just adorable!!! Being a lover of all things feline...this made me smile and in my heart also. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gifts with us! I will be forwarding this to many friends. Blessings and purrs!!
Georgina Gallagher (Wednesday, 20 November 2024 03:52)
Thank You.
You are blessed to be able to create such beautiful, magical ,
Tales ,that give different gifts to different people.
Christine Snowden (Thursday, 21 November 2024 04:03)
I just love your stories. They truly brighten up my day and give me a warm glow that sets me up for whatever the day may bring. Is there a book with all your stories and illustrations. I would love to give such a book to special friends at Christmas.
Katie (Friday, 27 December 2024 13:35)
I just discovered your stories and images and have been swept away to a magical place. They are a bright spot at a rather rainy and foggy time of year. Thank you
Mary Kay Miettinen (Sunday, 05 January 2025 12:20)
Books! Oh yes please….apps and videos, they all fade in comparison to physical huggable, page and turn forward and back, to beautiful sentiments and closely viewing your breathtaking pictures. I look forward to the grand announcement of their availability!
Warm thanks sprinkled with gentle smiles for the world you’ve created with your stories.
Kevin (Friday, 17 January 2025 13:36)
I truly love all of your stories. They are so comforting and thoughtful. They are great to read at the end of the day or a lazy afternoon. I can't wait to read them all. I am saving money to buy some of your art as well.
Blessings to you :)
Winifred Stanton (Tuesday, 04 February 2025 17:01)
I have just entered your world of magic and love. It soothed me as I wept for the world today. I remember sitting alone in the evening looking across from the Calf of Man where I was spending a week bird watching ,to the Isle of Man, watching the tourists getting out of their transport to explore the point I sat in such peace! Tonight I needed your magic and soothing words. Thankyou
Ann Hutto (Tuesday, 18 February 2025 10:20)
I see each character vividly…..
I enjoyed this sweet story so much. Thank you!
Eileen Carson Lloyd (Wednesday, 26 February 2025 20:02)
I love your stories about the rabbit and the rocks and the wind. It brought joy and peace to my heart. I live in a beautiful valley in Central New York. Our old house is in the woods. We live among the rabbits, chipmunks, and deer. Thank you for sharing your lovely stories.